Product Listing
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Grohe Essense Single-Lever Mixer With 2-Way Diverter 24058AL1
Grohe Essense Single-Lever Mixer With 2-Way Diverter

Grohe Essense Single-Lever Mixer With 2-Way Diverter 24058GL1
Grohe Essense Single-Lever Mixer With 2-Way Diverter

Grohe Essense Single-Lever Mixer With 2-Way Diverter 24058DA1
Grohe Essense Single-Lever Mixer With 2-Way Diverter&nbs...

Grohe BauClassic Concealed Bath Mixer 29047000
GROHE BauClassicconcealed installationconsisting of:set for ...

Grohe BauClassic Concealed Shower Mixer 29048000
GROHE BauClassicconcealed installationconsisting of:set for ...

Grohe BauCurve Concealed Shower Mixer 29044000
GROHE BauCurveconcealed installationconsisting of:set for fi...

Grohe BauCurve Concealed Bath Mixer 29043000
GROHE BauCurveconcealed installationconsisting of:set for fi...

Grohe BauEdge Concealed Bath Mixer 29039000
BauEdgeconcealed installationconsisting of:set for final ins...

Grohe BauEdge Concealed Shower Mixer 29040000
BauEdgeconcealed installationconsisting of:set for final ins...

Grohe BauFlow Concealed Shower Mixer 29046000
GROHE BauFlowconcealed installationconsisting of:set for fin...

Grohe BauFlow Concealed Bath Mixer 29045000
GROHE BauFlowconcealed installationconsisting of:set for fin...

Grohe BauLoop Concealed Shower Mixer 29041000
BauLoopconcealed installationconsisting of:set for final ins...

Grohe BauLoop Concealed Shower Mixer 29042000
BauLoopconcealed installationconsisting of:set for final ins...

Grohe BauMetric Concealed Shower Mixer 29067000
BauMetricSingle-lever shower mixerwith concealed bodyGROHE S...

Grohe Eurosmart Cosmo Concealed Shower Mixer 19383000
Eurosmart Cosmopolitanset for final installation for35 501 0...

Grohe Eurosmart Cosmo Concealed Bath Mixer 19382000
Eurosmart Cosmopolitanset for final installation for35 501 0...

Grohe Eurostyle Concealed Bath Mixer 19506001
EurostyleSingle-lever bath valveSet for final installation f...

Grohe Eurostyle Concealed Shower Mixer 19507001
EurostyleSingle-lever shower valveSet for final installation...

Grohe Eurostyle Cosmo Concealed Bath Mixer 19506002
Eurostyle CosmopolitanSingle-lever bath valveSet for final i...

Grohe Eurostyle Cosmo Concealed Shower Mixer 19507002
Eurostyle CosmopolitanSingle-lever shower valveSet for final...

Grohe Concetto Concealed Shower Mixer 19345000
ConcettoSingle-lever shower mixerwithout concealed bodyset f...

Grohe Concetto Concealed Bath Mixer 19346000
ConcettoSingle-lever bath mixerautomatic diverter: bath/show...

Grohe Essence Concealed Bath Mixer 19285000
EssenceSingle-lever bath mixerset for final installation for...

Grohe EuroCube Concealed Shower Mixer 19898000
EurocubeSingle-lever shower mixerset for final installation ...

Grohe EuroCube Concealed Bath Mixer 19896000
EurocubeSingle-lever bath mixerset for final installation fo...

Grohe EuroDisc Cosmo Exposed Bath Mixer 19548002
Eurodisc CosmopolitanSingle-lever bath mixerset for final in...

Grohe Eurodisc Cosmo Concealed Shower Mixer 19549002
Eurodisc CosmopolitanSingle-lever shower mixerset for final ...

Grohe Eurodisc Concealed Shower Mixer 19549001
EurodiscSingle-lever shower mixerset for final installation ...

Grohe Eurodisc Concealed Bath Mixer 19548001
Eurodiscset for final installation for35 501 00033 961 00033...

Grohe Europlus Concealed Bath Mixer 19536002
EuroplusSingle-lever bath mixerset for final installation fo...

Grohe Europlus Concealed Shower Mixer 19537002
EuroplusSingle-lever shower mixerset for final installation ...

Grohe Lineare Concealed Bath Mixer 19297000
LineareSingle-lever bath mixerSet for final installation for...

Grohe Lineare Concealed Shower Mixer 19296000
LineareSingle-lever shower valveSet for final installation f...

Grohe Quadra Concealed Bath Mixer 19456000
QuadraSingle-lever bath valveSet for final installation for3...

Grohe Quadra Concealed Shower Mixer 19455000
QuadraSingle-lever shower valveSet for final installation fo...

Grohe Eurosmart Concealed Bath Mixer 19450002
Eurosmartset for final installation for35 501 00033 961 0003...

Grohe Eurosmart Concealed Shower Mixer 19451002
Eurosmartset for final installation for35 501 00033 961 0003...

Grohe Allure Concealed Bath Mixer 19315000
AllureSingle-lever bath valveSet for final installation for3...

Grohe Allure Concealed Shower Mixer 19317000
AllureSingle-lever shower valveSet for final installation fo...

Grohe Allure Brilliant Concealed Shower Mixer 19789000
Allure BrilliantSingle-lever shower mixerset for final insta...
Category Description
Choose a concealed shower mixer for the following configurations:
- Bath spout + a hand held shower head
- Bath spout + a fixed shower head
- Two showers: one hand held shower + a fixed shower head
- Two showers: a set of body sprays + a hand held or fixed shower head
- Three shower outlets – you will need an additional stop valve to control the third outlet